Now wait just a minute….

So take a deep breathe… Take off your tin foil hat and think like a rational person now.images-4

The fact that 9/11 was a false flag operation has many supporters but also has a huge following of people trying to debunk the “undebunkable”… Or so they say. Here are a few of the debunking facts (the ones in english anyway):

  1. The elements that make up Nano Thermite had every reason to be found in the debris of the WTC.
  2. WTC 7 collapse was not a simple as theories suggest
  3. 100s of eye witness’ did not hear bombs and explosions but the buildings giving into the stress of the fire.
  4. Everyone makes mistakes, and clearly the engineer team responsible for the building of the WTC didn’t take all factors into consideration when the said “the buildings were built to withstand a 747 hit”.
  5. The buildings in fact did not fall in a pattern representing controlled demolition.
  6. George Bush is not as smart as Osama Bin Laden

Reports stating that Nano Thermite was found at Ground Zero are unsubstantiated. In fact the reports state that the main elements of Nano Thermite were found in the rubble. However these elements had every reason to be there, and conspiracy theorists have taken their presence out of context.  For example:

  • The drywall used in the WTC was made up of 18.62% sulfur
  • Iron is used in both the paint and electronics
  • Potassium is used in concrete
  • Maganese is a component in structural steel, paint, batteries and ceramics
  • Flourine is a component of air conditioning, the WTC had the largest A/C unit in North America.
  • Titanium is an ingredient in paint as well as paper; the two 767s were also approximately 2% titanium

In order for the use of thermite theory to be substantiated it’s bi-product would have been found in the dust and debris. No traces of Aluminium Oxide or Barium Nitrate were found in the dust that covered Manhattan. In addition the 3000lbs of thermite that would have been used would have generated of very small percentage of sulphur in its dust (0.000003%). The dust from the WTC had over 5% sulphur.

The reports of “explosions” and “popping” being one of the tell-tale signs of a controlled demolition is easily explained. The Twin Towers were massive buildings that had a lot of heavy infrastructure, hydro vaults that could power a rural city, plumbing, air conditioning units under pressure etc. Anyone one of these things when under stress or pressure could succumb with resistance resulting in noise. Every one has been dead asleep when an electrical transformer outside has surged and exploded from an unlucky squirrel or lightening strike. It makes a sound similar to what the end of the world would sound like… and if not here’s a video. 

When a building is rigged to implode on itself a series of key characteristics are present:

  1. A series of flashes go off as the explosive ignite
  2. A series of pops are audible once the explosives ignite
  3. The building free falls, centre first
  4. The building’s debris stays within its original foot print.

This the debris field of the twin tower collapse… You can see that WTC 7 was in fact in the path of the debris. However the tin foil hat wearers say it was never “directly hit by a plane or debris” it was in fact very vulnerable. This picture also shows that the building did not stay in their original foot prints as they would have if they were demo by a controlled act.

While the WTC buildings didn’t fall over side ways like someone would expect from a high-rise building collapse they did not fall in the way a controlled demolition does. To the untrained eye they might, and since I am not an expert on the subject I feel like the video can explain it best.

images-3George W. Bush…. Is he really smart enough to concoct this elaborate false flag operation for a little Texas Gold? I mean it all smells very fishy but if you look at the history Osama smells even fishier. Bin Laden, the lanky bastard that he is.. Is a well-educated American hating rich fella who hails from Saudi Arabia. When the US established its military base in Saudi, Bin Laden took deep offence. It was the final nail in the coffin of his distaste for the US. To have an American military base in the holiest of lands, the home of two sacred worship houses was the ultimate slap in the face.

Osama bin Laden (© AP file)Bin Laden hated everything America stood for. Fact is when the conspiracy theorist say that 9/11 was and inside job it’s not far off the mark. All the characteristics that America prides themselves in and makes them the powerful country that they are the reason the planes were flown into the towers. That is according to Osama.







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